OSU Conducting Chlorpyrifos Alternatives Survey
Researchers at Oregon State University are working to identify alternatives to chlorpyrifos that will work on a variety of commodities. To do that, research has put together a survey to help identify critical issues surrounding Chlorpyrifos, which has been used in Oregon since the mid-1960s, but is on its way out. OSU Project Leader Silvia Rondon said the survey will give the group of entomologists a better baseline regarding the pesticide's usage.
"We have been working with the private industry and they are recommending some potential products that can be used to replace Chlorpyrifos. If there is anything that the growers would like for us researchers throughout the state to include in our research files, we would be more than happy to talk to them."
Rondon noted the survey is not just for Oregon growers, but it’s open to producers across the Pacific Northwest.
"We're not really focusing on a specific crop, but on several specialty crops. We're also including crops like onions, carrots, cherries, grass seeds, you name it. So the more information we get from growers through our survey, the more targeted our research can be."
At the end of the survey ten random participants will receive a $25 gift certificate.
Click Here to participate in the survey.
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