Glenn Vaagen is the Program Director of the Pacific Northwest Ag Network. He has won multiple national farm broadcasting awards, receiving the 2019 Editor's Choice award, as well as the 2020 Excellence in Ag Reporting award from the National Association of Farm Broadcasters. Glenn started his radio career as the Program and News Director at KMAX-AM in Colfax, WA. He also was a reporter/anchor at KXLY-AM in Spokane, WA. Prior to launching the PNW Ag Network, Glenn served as the Program and News Director for KBNW-AM/FM in Bend, OR, where the station was recognized for reporting excellence by the Oregon Association of Broadcasters in 2009. Glenn, a former University of Idaho football player, is married and has four children.
Glenn Vaagen

Wyden Wants More Done To Address Water Issues In The West
Oregon’s senior Senator wants federal agencies to take a bigger step in improving the water situation in the west, amid ongoing drought. In Tuesday’s Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing in Washington D.C., Senator Ron Wyden used Oregon as an example of the dire circumstances.
“The su

Farmers Market Minute: Support Leads To Education
In today's Farmers Market Minute, Colleen Donovan, with the Washington state Farmers Market Association talks about the educational opportunities that exist at your local market.
If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekmedia...
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World Wheat Production Forecasts Down
"Lower". The word of note in USDA's outlook of global wheat supply and demand for June. World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski says the primary factor behind a 1.4 billion ton decrease in worldwide production was a lower forecast for India

Wine Minute: What Happens When There’s More Research Needs Than Money?
What does the Washington state Wine Commission do if there are more requests for research funding that dollars in the bank? Lin Scott with the Wine Commission has the details.
If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekmedia...
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Farm Groups Welcome Passage of Ocean Shipping Reform Act
Earlier this week, the House of Representatives sent the Ocean Shipping Reform Act to President Biden for signature. Agriculture groups responded positively, heralding the legislation that improves the oversight of ocean shipping. Supporters of the legislation say the bill will address many maritime disruptions obstructing the import and export of U

Eastern Oregon University Minute: How Facilities Help Rural Communities
In today's Eastern Oregon University's Minute, President Tom Insko talks about how EOU's facilities connect to the school's rural mission.
If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekmedia...
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University of Idaho Looks To Address Workforce Needs
The University of Idaho announced three new shortened degree programs Wednesday that the school says will address growing workforce needs. The College of Natural Resources programs prepare students for jobs in fire mitigation, forestry operations and nursery management after two years of education, rather than four

Warmer Weather Expected For The Start of Summer
Spring has been very unique across the Pacific Northwest, it started very mild and dry back March 20th. However, by the time mid-April rolled around, the region saw snow showers, with some areas seeing up to 18” of the white stuff and cold temperatures. And

Focus On Fruit for 06/16/22
What impact did April's snowstorm have on the local tree fruit industry? We put that question before Mark Powers, President of the Northwest Horticultural Council.
If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekmedia...
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Catinella Named New Director of Merchandising At PBNW
Pear Bureau Northwest announced this week that Bob Catinella has been promoted to Director of Merchandising. Catinella started at PBNW in 2012 as one of the organization’s five Regional Marketing Managers and, according to the Bureau, has been continually taking on new responsibilities including adding national account responsibility for some of the country’s top retailers and becoming Lead Regio