Latest Cherry Crop Projection Slightly Smaller Than Initial Expectation
Northwest Cherry Growers is out with its second round projections of the 2021 crop. The new expectation for the upcoming year is 223,723 tons, a 6% decrease from the Round 1 estimate. As with Round 1, the model is populated with historical data, growing degree day patterns, acreage shifts, market trends, processing tonnage and in-field assessments.
When it comes to the Rainier/yellow cherry growers crop, NCG says things have been very promising. The cherry's yellow skin is the most susceptible of all varieties to late spring weather, but] the set on the trees so far appears to be the making of a phenomenal crop. In response to surges in demand from largely younger consumers, Rainier growers have been committing "a tremendous amount of effort to gently increase the Northwest's overall yellow cherry yield".
The Round 2 estimate for 2021 doesn't break the record, but should produce more promotable volume than last season. When it comes to Growing Degree Days, it appears that growers are on track for harvest getting under way by June 1st. The 2020 harvest started May 28th.
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