Northwest Cherry Growers is out with its second round projections of the 2021 crop. The new expectation for the upcoming year is 223,723 tons, a 6% decrease from the Round 1 estimate. As with Round 1, the model is populated with historical data, growing degree day patterns, acreage shifts, market trends, processing tonnage and in-field assessments
As we continue our look at Northwest Farm Credit Services quarterly commodity snapshot, we turn our attention to cherries and the wine industry. Bill Perry, Vice President at Northwest Farm Credit Services said they anticipate slight profits for both vineyards and wineries this year, although it’s a mixed bag for both.
Managing the leafhopper vectors of X-disease phytoplasma post-harvest is important this season to slow the spread of the pathogen. To help cherry growers, Washington State University is out with a management plan. WSU covers the basic considerations, all while acknowledging there are many unknowns about leafhoppers; and management options will be refined as new research is completed
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According to NASS, we can expect to have less tart cherries this season.
"The tart cherry crop 197 million pounds expected to be produced this year and that's down 24.8% from what was produced last year," said NASS' Lance Hoenig. He added the reduced tart cherry production nationwide, stems from the decrease in the crop in Michigan, the largest tart cherry producing state
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