Higher-protein diets are becoming more and more popular as people seek new ways to achieve weight loss.  Dr. Holly Wyatt, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado and co-author of State of Slim, notes that a new checkoff-funded study, known as Beef WISE indicates that  lean beef can be as effective as other proteins for weight loss potential.


“I think people can be very successful at losing weight and maintaining a healthy body weight using lean beef. It’s always been part of the program and I was really glad that we got to do this study so we could kind of prove that so when people say stuff like ‘you shouldn’t be eating beef – it’s going to maybe get in the way of you losing some weight,’ we now have a study to point to and say no, that’s not true.”


Wyatt also encourages the beef industry to share the message about beef’s role in weight loss and a healthy diet.  Dr. Wyatt said like any other health decision, you need accountability and structure.


“Part of what I talk about is living the lifestyle yourself. I mean, that’s just as important. Yes, we talked about beef being part of it, but are you walking the walk? Are you being authentic? Are you able to do what we’re trying to do across the country and live a lifestyle that’s healthy and kind of live in your own state of slim?”


Click Here to check out the WISE study.



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