USDA: Dietary Guidelines Can Be Customized
The ability to customize recommendations is one focus of the latest edition of the dietary guidelines for Americans.
"The guideline makes it clear that you can take the framework of the guidelines and you can tailor your diet to your preferences, to your cultural background, even to your financial needs to make sure that that will work," noted deputy undersecretary Brandon Lipps. He added USDA has many tools to help people.
"Like start simple with MyPlate, an app for your smartphone. There's even an app for your smart watch that can help you learn to take simple steps that will help you develop a healthier dietary pattern, healthier eating habits over time."
Lipps said you can visit the USDA's Website for more information and useful resources.
"The tools that USDA is putting out today making folks think about making every bite count and offering tools like Start Simple with MyPlate are opportunities to help Americans make incremental changes."
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