Ernie Davis, Jr. has been named the new President and CEO of Certified Hereford Beef.  According to the origination, Davis brings three decades of merchandising experience to his new role from across all animal proteins.  Much of his experience revolves around developing premium branded opportunities to help producers add value to production and retrieve added value for their efforts.


"I view Certified Hereford Beef as the best-kept secret in the marketplace,” said Davis. “It is a great eating experience with great marbling and a great story behind it.”


Davis also say\id he’s happy to sell a premium product with a producer-based story that resonates with consumers.”


Certified Hereford Beef was established in 1995 and is owned by the U.S. farmers and ranchers who make up the AHA member list. Cattle qualifying for CHB must grade USDA Choice and higher. Cattle qualifying for Premium CHB must grade in the upper two-thirds of Choice and Prime.


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