Hi, my name is Glenn. I'm the Program Director of the Pacific Northwest Ag Network. I've been blessed with multiple national farm broadcasting awards, receiving the 2019 Editor's Choice award, as well as the 2020 Excellence in Ag Reporting award from the National Association of Farm Broadcasters. I started my radio career as the Program and News Director at KMAX-AM in Colfax, WA. I also served as a reporter/anchor at KXLY-AM in Spokane, WA. Before launching the PNW Ag Network, I served as the Program and News Director for KBNW-AM/FM in Bend, OR. While there, our station was recognized for reporting excellence by the Oregon Association of Broadcasters in 2009. I'm a former University of Idaho football player, currently, I'm married with four children.
Glenn Vaagen
WSDA Expands Japanese Beetle Quarantine, Makes Temporary Rule Permanent
The Washington State Department of Agriculture has expanded the Japanese beetle quarantine in the south-central portion of the state. The original quarantine was established in 2022 and included 49 square miles in the Grandview area. But, be...
2024 Hazelnut Crop Looks To Be Slightly Larger
The Hazelnut Marketing Board recently wrapped up its annual Subjective Yield Survey, and it looks like 2024 will be an improved year. With roughly 20% of acres accounted for, the HMB anticipates harvest this year to be nearly 98,000 tons. If...
Northwest Forests Receive Funding To Prevent Wildfires
Improve the health of America’s forests while reducing the risks of wildfire to communities. That has been the effort and focus on the U.S. Forest Service’s Collaborative Wildfire Risk Reduction Program, which has focused on 21 specially selected fire sheds. But Agriculture Sec...
Bickerton, Powell Named To Leadership Roles At Idaho’s CALS
The University of Idaho’s College of Agricultural and Life Sciences announced Tuesday Rachael Bickerton has been tapped as the College’s director of government and external relations, replacing Brent Olmstead, who retired last November. Bickerton...
Congressional Leaders Working to Pass Farm Bill in this Congress
With Congress now back from its August recess, leaders in both parties are saying they will resume talks to get a Farm Bill passed before the end of the year, even if it happens during a lame duck session. Senate Agriculture chairwoman Debbie Stabenow told Successful Farming she would do “everything in my power to pass a farm bill” this year.
USDA Launches Interactive Census of Ag Maps
NASS has launched a collection of interactive maps to allow data users to access key Census of Agriculture information. The newly redesigned Ag Census Web Maps application offers the public access to maps and accompanying data to help visualize, download and analyze Census of Agriculture data down to the county level...
Football Fans Reminded To Think Safety At Tailgate Parties
It's fall and one thing that season brings is. Yes, football and some terrific tailgate parties. Some folks never make it in to see the game at all.
"Sometimes the parking lot party is the party. It can be better than the event, yeah,” said Meredith Carruthers, food safety export with the USDA’s meat and poultry hotline. She added thos...
WSU’s Beers Honored By ESA
Congratulations to Washington State University entomologist Elizabeth Beers, who was named an Entomological Society Fellow this summer. For nearly four decades, Beers has worked to stop insect pests that spread damage and disease in Pacific Northwest apple, cherry, and pear orchards while training the next generation of scientists.
Voigt: Early Varieties Look Good, But Questions Remain
Chris Voigt, Executive Director of the Washington State Potato Commission said he started this harvest season with a lot of optimism, but now he’s a bit more cautious. Voigt said it’s not clear what impact, if any, the prolonged heat of July and August had on this year’s late season varieties, so there is some reason for concern. But, despite those issues...
New Livestock Brand Fees To Start This Fall In Oregon
The Oregon Department of Agriculture has given the go-ahead to increase brand inspection fees, starting October 1st. Changes this fall include:
Brand inspection per head fee is increasing to $1.15 to $1.35 per head...a 20 cent increase.
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