While the application period won’t open for a few months, the Washington state Department of Agriculture is talking about the importance of Specialty Crops and its Block Grant program.  Specialty crops in Washington include fruits, tree nuts, nursery and horticulture.  The WSDA’s Hector Castro said when it comes to the Specialty Crop Block Grant programs, the amount of money the state receives varies from year to year, in 2017 for example, the state was awarded $4.6 million.


“That’s second in the nation, and it has lots to do with the amount of acreage dedicated to specialty crops in our state, and the value of production due to specialty crops, and Washington state is just behind California.”


Castro noted while the Block application period won’t open for several months, its important private, non-profit, research organizations plan now.  He said thee specific crops can vary from year to year.


“So, they should read that closely, before starting their application, and give yourself plenty of time to work on the application, and also the suggestion is they make sure there is support for the project, that the agriculture industry is interested in what they are going to try to accomplish with their project.”


The Specialty Crop Block Grant is open to higher education, the USDA, WSDA, and a variety of other organizations.




If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekradio.com

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