WSDA Hosting Japanese Beetle On-Line Open House
Those living in south central Washington may have the pest Japanese beetle in their yards right now. For those that do, they can get their properties treated free of charge this spring.
Following up on the in-person open house held earlier this month, the Washington State Department of Agriculture will host a virtual open house on Tuesday, starting a noon (PT) to share information about its plans to eradicate the invasive Japanese beetle. WSDA is treating properties for free to get rid of this pest. But, state officials need property owners’ consent to treat every property in the infested zone. Participants can Register Here to attend the virtual open house.
WSDA detected more than 23,000 beetles in the area in 2022. Eradication plans include using an insecticide to treat properties in and around the infested area, including private property. Property owners should have received a letter last month; a second letter is on its way for those who have not returned their consent form yet. WSDA is hopeful to treat all properties within the treatment zone, dependent on property owner consent and allocated funding. Representatives at the open house will provide more details on the proposed treatment plan at the virtual open house.
Acelepryn, the product named in the proposed treatment plan, is a low-risk insecticide that is not hazardous to humans or domestic animals. Applicators spray the product to plant foliage or directly to lawns. The product can also be in a granular form, applied by seed spreader. Agencies in Oregon, Idaho, California, and Utah have used this product for Japanese beetle eradication projects since 2009 and, in some cases, successfully and safely eradicated the pest.
Click Here to register for Tuesday's virtual Open House.
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