washington state department of agriculture

WSDA Looking For Pesticide Label Feedback
WSDA Looking For Pesticide Label Feedback
WSDA Looking For Pesticide Label Feedback
The Washington State Department of Agriculture is asking farmers and industry partners to share their thoughts on new pesticide label rules.  The Department will hold a workshop Tuesday, February 18th, from 8 a.m.-11:30 a.m., at the McGregor Training Center, 401 Airport Rd., Colfax....
WSDA Hosting Japanese Beetle Webinar
WSDA Hosting Japanese Beetle Webinar
WSDA Hosting Japanese Beetle Webinar
The Washington State Department of Agriculture will host a webinar Tuesday, focused on preparing for Japanese Beetle treatments this year.  WSDA said the 45 minute on-line session will show those in impacted areas how the sign up for treatment, how to prepare for treatments, and know when the treatment is over.  The Dep...
WSU’s Murray To Head WISC
WSU’s Murray To Head WISC
WSU’s Murray To Head WISC
The director of the WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center, Todd Murray, has been elected chair of the Washington Invasive Species Council.   “This is a milestone for me,” Murray said. “Ever since I identified and reported my first invasive , I’ve enjoyed leveraging WSU Extension’s reach to help groups like landscapers, master gardeners, pest management professionals, and city workers, educati
Grain Commission Announces Appointments
Grain Commission Announces Appointments
Grain Commission Announces Appointments
Earlier this week, the Washington Grain Commission announced the appointments of Nicole Berg as the WGC commissioner for Wheat District 5 (representing Benton, Franklin, Kittitas, Klickitat, and Yakima Counties) and Art Schultheis as the WGC commissioner for Barley District 6 (representing Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Klickitat, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima Counties)... Read M
Sandison: Not Enough Is Being Done To Expand Trade
Sandison: Not Enough Is Being Done To Expand Trade
Sandison: Not Enough Is Being Done To Expand Trade
Trade is always on the mind of Northwest Ag leaders, since the region is so dependent on overseas buyers.  But more and more, the American farming community as a whole is talking about trade, and what’s being done to open up new markets, or expand existing ones.  Derek Sandiso...
WSDA: Northern Giant Eradicated
WSDA: Northern Giant Eradicated
WSDA: Northern Giant Eradicated
The Washington State Department of Agriculture announced Wednesday the “murder hornet” has been eradicated from the Evergreen State.   “We’re pleased to announce the eradication of the northern giant hornet in Washington state,” Derek Sandison, WSDA director, said. “I’m incredibly proud of our team...
What Impact Will A Lack Of A Farm Bill Have On Washington?
What Impact Will A Lack Of A Farm Bill Have On Washington?
What Impact Will A Lack Of A Farm Bill Have On Washington?
The agriculture community is still holding its breath that Congress will pass a one-year Farm Bill Extension, allowing lawmakers to address the issue in 2025.  But, what happens if the extension gets tied up in D.C. bickering?   Washington State Department of Agriculture Director Derek Sandison said the state will feel a direct impact in a variety of ways.   “Our ...
Health Officials Continue To Watch Bird Flu
Health Officials Continue To Watch Bird Flu
Health Officials Continue To Watch Bird Flu
With cases of bird flu in cattle reported across the western U.S., as well as cases in pigs and humans here in the Northwest, health officials are watching the H5N1 strain very closely.  But, why is this strain so devastating for domestic birds?   ...

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