As wheat harvest continues not only across the region, but nationwide, the 2019 crop looks good.  According to the USDA, 70% of the spring wheat crop is rated good to excellent, 7% comes in at very poor to poor.  And those numbers are very similar to what we saw this time last year with 74% good to excellent and 5% very poor to poor.  USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey says the only issue he's seen is the ability of growers to get out and harvest.


“Meaning that as the crop matures a bit late this year we have seen the harvest increase now to 16% complete by August 18th. That is well behind the five year average of 49% and last year 56%.”

And when it comes to the winter wheat.


“[Harvest is] wrapped up in most areas of the country but still on going in the North. 93% complete overall, five-year average is 98%, last year 97%. Those delays are not due to current weather as much as they are just crop delays in getting the crop to this point to be ready to harvest.”



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