Washington Awarded $4.6M Specialty Crop Programs
The Washington state Department of Agriculture announced late last week that 25 projects across the state will share in $4.6 million in 2018 USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant funds. And the projects vary as much as the state’s Ag industry.
Projects that will received funding include WSU bee research, looking at how to treat honey bee viruses. The WSDA added this year the block grant is funding will also work to grow wholesale prospects for specialty crop producers in Whatcom and Skagit counties, evaluate agriculture water disinfection treatments, and detect potato pathogens. Berries, potatoes, cucurbit crops, tree fruit, asparagus, horticultural seeds, wine grapes, and apples all stand to benefit from these projects.
The SCBG Program was created to support the competitiveness of the specialty crop industry through the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. In awarding these funds, WSDA selected projects that will directly benefit specialty crop producers, address critical issues to the industry, and contain strong performance measures.
For a list of this year’s winners, check out the WSDA's Website.
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