It’s a question hanging over the livestock industry this legislative session; what to do with the Branding Program.  The Livestock ID program is currently in the red roughly $500,000 a year.  Representative Jim Walsh said when it comes to saving the Brand Program, he feels everyone is on the same page when it comes to the end goal.  How to get there remain the sticking point.


“It’s more of a short-term issue.  What do we do in the meantime while technology is moving but hasn’t completely taken over the market.  So, how do we make the transition easy and not hard, or jolting on anybody expect the cows.”


Walsh said some proposals call for a hardline stance of the brand program to get it above water.  Others call for a compromise that mixes the current program with the branding program of the future.


“Most of the cattle producers and feeders I’ve talked to want to see the traditional brands stick around for a while, and for that program to be properly funded for at least the near term.  I hope that’s the approach we’ll end up taking, and I think we will.”


Walsh says discussions on the Livestock ID program will continue in the coming weeks.





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