A host of officials with the U.S. Meat Export Federation recently returned from Foodex Japan, Asia’s largest food trade show.  Greg Hanes with USMEF with red meat demand among Japanese consumers continuing to gain moment, the four day show could not have come at a better time for the American beef and pork industries.  He said one of the newest concept they’re trying to sell in Asia, is an old standby in the U.S., Pound Steak.


“In the U.S., this may not seem like a unique thing, but in Japan, everything is sliced very thin to eat with chopsticks.  So, the concept is really showing them how to prepare and cook a pound steak correctly so they get the full impact and flavor of the U.S. beef.”


Hanes also added they are trying to capitalize on one of the fastest growing crazes internationally, the gourmet hamburger.


“Showing them how they can utilize U.S. beef cuts and grind them to prepare their own gourmet hamburger at food service there in Japan.”


USMEF’s efforts at Foodex were funded by the Pork Checkoff, the Beef Checkoff Program, the Texas Beef Council and the USDA Market Access Program.



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