The new Idaho state Veterinarian is not a new name to the farming community in the Gem State. Dr. Scott Leibsle started with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture in 2011, and was promoted to the top vet spot on January 1st of this year. A 3rd generation large animal vet from the Midwest, Leibsle said when he decided to move from Wisconsin to Idaho ten years ago, he was attracted to the broad and diverse Ag community.


“The #2 and #3 respective dairy states in the country, so certainly I have some experience with the dairy industry as a practitioner in Wisconsin.  Overall I think the broad agricultural community in both states is very impressive and I’ve really enjoyed the transition.”

Leibsle said one of his priorities as state veterinarian to expand animal traceability which he pointed out is an important issue nationwide.

“Have the capability to document and trace where an animal is and all the different places it has been, we need to have those types of mechanisms in place before we are challenged with having to do it.  So if there ever was to be a case of Foot and Mouth disease in the United States, which there’s never been, we need to be able to have a plan in place and execute it well before that happens.”

Leibsle added he has a good working relationship with the departments of agriculture in neighboring states, relationships he plans to strengthen and improve into the future.

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