The Washington State Department of Agriculture is reminding producers to submit their applications for the federal Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.  The projects can support the state’s fruit, vegetable, and nursery industries.  WSDA has more than $4 million in grant funding available to support specialty crop efforts around Washington.  WSDA manages the grants, funded by the USDA.


Private and non-profit organizations, commodity commissions and other public entities may request funds for projects ranging between $25,000 to $250,000.  The application deadline is Wednesday February 15th at 4 p.m.


In 2016, Washington ranked 2nd nationally in production of specialty crops and funded 21 projects.


The first step in applying for grant funding is to submit a brief concept proposal at


For additional information, go to the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service at or contact WSDA’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program manager Leisa Schumaker at or (360) 902-2091.



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