Schrier Introduces Bill To Reduce Methane Emissions In Cow Burps
Last month, Washington congresswoman Kim Schrier introduced the Research to Reduce Agricultural Methane Act. She noted this bill will fund the study of innovative ways to reduce methane emissions in livestock, including through feed additives such as seaweed. She said the goal of this legislation is to determine if this research can be a win for the dairy industry as well as a win for the environment.
“Just like we’ve seen with soil health it takes about six years to get to the point where there are better yields and better revenues, but if we can make sure that we keep farmers afloat for those six years the payoff is tremendous. So, we do this together, nobody is imposing anything.”
Schrier noted with this unprecedented climate crisis, everyone needs to find creative solutions.
She added that farmers stand to benefit multiple ways from this research. She said she sees a time in the future when dairy producers could sell a “climate friendly” milk, which could draw a premium price.
“And at the same time that adding asparagopsis seaweed in a very tiny amount 0.2% of an animal’s feed volume, if you sprinkle that on, there’s some evidence that it increases milk supply and increases growth and has better pregnancy outcomes.”
Schrier added the amount of methane from livestock production is about the equivalent of the emissions from 650 million cars.
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