USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey says nationwide the winter wheat crop is progressing very nicely.



"Our last look at Winter Wheat heading shows 97% of the 2019 Winter Wheat crop headed by June 30th,” Rippey said.  “Five-year average and last year, are at 100%."


He noted at this point, there are two states with at least 10% of acreage left to head; Michigan and Montana.  He added 30% of the winter wheat crop has been harvested as of June 30th.  Which is still behind the five year average of 48% and last year's 50%.

When it comes to the condition of this year's winter wheat crop.

"63% of the Winter Wheat rated good-to-excellent, up two points from last week, ”Rippey said.  “10% very poor-to-poor, that's a one point improvement from last week's 11%. That's far better than last year's drought-affected crop. Last year's drought in the Southern Plains left the crop at 37% good-to-excellent and 34% very poor-to-poor at the end of June."

Rippey said the news is not all good.  He said there are some serious issues with wheat in some of the wettest states this year, including Ohio and Illinois.



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