As we start our weeklong series focused on the Northwest Farm Credit Services commodity snapshots, we start in the livestock industry. Bill Perry, Vice President at NWFCS, said their 12-month outlook for cattle suggests modest profitability centered around risk management strategies.

“Diminished throughput in the spring drove retail prices higher, reduced exports and burdened the industry with heavier feeder cattle.”


When it comes to the Northwest dairy industry, Perry said they anticipate slightly profitable returns in 2020.

“COVID-19 continues to depress demand, but government programs, such as the Food Assistance Program and the Food Box Program, have kept demand and prices up. Government programs will provide tailwinds to producer profitability. Overall producer profitability will depend on use of price risk management tools,” Perry added.

Join the PNW Ag Network Tuesday as we take a look at Northwest cherries as well as the local wine industry.

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