To help improve relationships with the consumer, the Beef Industry is encouraging producers to participate in the Beef Quality Assurance Programs.  Don Llewellyn with WSU Extension told the Washington Ag Network BQA is an essential part of the beef industry.


"It’s a voluntary program that revolves around producer and industry education, geared toward producing safe and wholesome meat products in a humane manner for consumers.”


Llewellyn said BQA is a grassroots effort from consumers who want to know more about from where their food comes.  Llewellyn added local producers are already do a great job with their animals, when it comes to safety and wholesomeness.


“But, you know we can always do better so I think it gives us the opportunity to promote those best practices that will result in consumer confidence and the safety of the product.”


To learn more about the BQA, Click Here.


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