Coors is brewing up a national toast to farmers this Friday, promising “more details to come” on Twitter. So far, little information has emerged, but in the Tweet Sunday, Coors says “Let’s all raise a cold one to the hard working American farmers.”


The upcoming national toast to farmers Friday stems from the spat that started with a Bud Light Superbowl commercial, blasting Miller Lite and Coors Light for including corn syrup in their ingredients. Corn syrup is used in the brewing process by Coors, and while the ingredient doesn’t end up in the final product, the company says Bud Light attacked “hard-working American farmers who grow our great ingredients.” In a reported statement to distributors, Coors says the brand is “standing up for our beers, our ingredients, and the farmers who grow them." Meanwhile, just last week, Pete Coors joined members of the National Corn Growers Association during action team meetings in Denver.



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