According to the USDA much of the pasture and rangeland across the Northwest is in good condition.  According to NASS, 34% of pasture in Washington is rated as Fair, with 49% rated as Good to Excellent, and the remaining 14% Poor.  In Oregon, 36% of the rangeland is considered Fair, with 44% Good to Excellent, and 20% Poor.  In Idaho, 53% of pasture land is considered Good to Excellent, with 32% Fair, and 15% Very Poor to Poor.


When it comes to Winter Wheat, 63% of Oregon’s crop is Good to Excellent, with 29% Fair, and 8% Very Poor to Poor.  In Washington, 65% is rated Good to Excellent with 34% listed as Fair, and 1% Poor.  Meanwhile in Idaho, 62% of the Winter Wheat crop is Good to Excellent with 36% in Fair shape, and 2% listed as poor.



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