
Mark Porter Named ODA Rangeland Health Specialist
Mark Porter Named ODA Rangeland Health Specialist
Mark Porter Named ODA Rangeland Health Specialist
The Oregon Department of Agriculture's Noxious Weed Control Program announced last week that Mark Porter has been selected as their new Rangeland Health Specialist.  In this new role, ODA said Porter will provide capacity and technical expertise to collaborative efforts across Oregon that create resilience to climate change and wildfire and conserve and improve the productivity of Oregon’s natural
Virtual Workshop Looks To Help Improve Rangeland Management
Virtual Workshop Looks To Help Improve Rangeland Management
Virtual Workshop Looks To Help Improve Rangeland Management
Washington State University and the University of Arizona will host a series next month to help ranchers and land managers effectively and sustainably care for their land and livestock.  Rangeland scientists, ecologists, and web developers  will hold the StockSmart virtual workshop series starting Wednesday, November 6th, running through December 11th.   The S...
USDA Offers Disaster Assistance to Oregon Producers
USDA Offers Disaster Assistance to Oregon Producers
USDA Offers Disaster Assistance to Oregon Producers
Farm operations in Oregon have been significantly impacted by recent wildfires.  To help, the NRCS-Oregon technical and financial assistance available to help farmers and livestock producers recover from these wildfire events.   A total of $2 million of FY24 funds have newly been made available to support producers in wildfire recovery. Producer...
Mulrony: Remain Fire Wise With Cooler Temperatures Expected
Mulrony: Remain Fire Wise With Cooler Temperatures Expected
Mulrony: Remain Fire Wise With Cooler Temperatures Expected
Temperatures may be dropping across the region, and there’s even a possibility we’ll see a few rain showers this weekend across the Pacific Northwest.  But that does not mean the risk of wildfires has gone away.  At last report, over two dozen fires of size are burning across the PNW.   And if you plan to enj...
Pasture And Rangeland Conditions Struggling Nationally
Pasture And Rangeland Conditions Struggling Nationally
Pasture And Rangeland Conditions Struggling Nationally
It should come as no surprise that late summer features some of the lowest national pasture and rangeland conditions on an annual basis.  However, USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey pointed out things are a little worse this year compared to a "normal year'.  When it...
Cattle Expert: Now Is The Time To Plan For Post Drought Operation
Cattle Expert: Now Is The Time To Plan For Post Drought Operation
Cattle Expert: Now Is The Time To Plan For Post Drought Operation
As many cattle producers are struggling with drought, its important to also use the situation to help plan for the future.  Rangeland and Ecology specialist, Dr. Laura Goodman, said there are several key things producers need to consider when it comes to developing a plan to address drought now.  ...
Pasture Conditions Don't Look Good Nationwide
Pasture Conditions Don't Look Good Nationwide
Pasture Conditions Don't Look Good Nationwide
There was only a slight improvement in the poor to very poor ratings of pasture and rangeland conditions nationwide in the most recent USDA numbers. "49% very poor to poor, that is down a point from the previous week and there is no change in rangeland and pastures rated good to excellent," said USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey.  "S...
USDA: Pasture Rangeland Conditions Improving
USDA: Pasture Rangeland Conditions Improving
USDA: Pasture Rangeland Conditions Improving
How are pasture conditions nationwide? "Good to excellent ratings at 31% of the country; up 3% points from last week," noted USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey.  "Meanwhile, the very poor to poor ratings 42%, that is down 1% from last week's 43%." ...
Pasture & Rangeland Conditions Improve Nationwide
Pasture & Rangeland Conditions Improve Nationwide
Pasture & Rangeland Conditions Improve Nationwide
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says pasture and rangeland conditions have improved nationwide. "As of the weekending June 5th, the number for a very port of poor ratings improves 3% points from 46 to 43%.  Meanwhile, the good to excellent ratings increasing four percentage points from 24 to 28%.  So ...

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