As you get ready for your holiday meal plans, you may be worried about supply chain difficulties, and higher prices.  One staple of this time of year that should not be a problem; cranberries.


"Cranberry production expected to be up this season looking at about a 5.2% increase," said NASS’ Lance Honig.  He added the production boost stems from the nation's two largest cranberry producing states.


“Wisconsin and Massachusetts, producing the vast majority combined of that crop we're seeing increases from last year in both of those states.”


Honig noted that Wisconsin production is up 3% year over year, while Massachusetts saw an 11% jump in this year’s crop compared to 2021.  He noted both states benefited from warm growing conditions this summer.  Honig added when it comes to the cranberry crop nationwide, all producing states reported a year-over-year increase in crop size.


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