On Friday, another case of HPAI was confirmed in Oregon.  This one, according to USDA, was found in a backyard flock of geese and chickens in Jackson County.  This marks the first time bird flu has been confirmed in Jackson County.


Samples from the flock were first taken to the Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Oregon State University for testing. OSU confirmed the presence of HPAI on October 30, 2024, and NVSL confirmed the results two days later.


The Oregon Department of Agriculture State Veterinarian, Dr. Ryan Scholz placed the Jackson County farm under quarantine and a team from ODA and USDA humanely euthanized all poultry on the property. None of the animals on the farm entered the food supply chain, nor were they intended for the commercial food market.


Just a few days earlier, HPAI was confirmed in one pig and several geese and ducks on a Crook County farm.  Investigators said the pig co-mingled with HPAI-affected chickens and ducks. All 70 birds and five pigs on the premises were humanely euthanized. NVSL continues to test samples taken from the pigs.   


Since May 2022, three commercial poultry flocks and 38 backyard flocks have been affected in Oregon.  The ODA said there are several biosecurity measures bird and livestock owners can take to help stop the spread of the virus:  

  • Preventing exposure of domestic poultry and livestock to wildlife, especially wild waterfowl 
  • Limiting the co-mingling of different species of livestock, especially poultry and pigs
  • Wash your hands before and after handling your flock
  • Cleaning vehicles, tools, or equipment 
  • Limiting unnecessary visitors 
  • Sanitizing shoes in clean foot baths 
  • Changing clothes upon contact with birds.  


Death or illness among domestic birds should be reported immediately to ODA, by calling (503) 986-4711 or (800) 347-7028.  In the event you come across dead wild birds, contact the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife at (866) 968-2600 or E-mail the Department.


If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail glenn.vaagen@townsquaremedia.com 

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