Winter wheat harvest continues across the U.S., but some areas are, "being disrupted now in some areas across the Plains and the lower Midwest due to some of these rather pesky showers."


Even so, USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey says quite a bit of that crop has been cut.


"41% of the crop in the bin...that is ahead of the five-year average of 33% and last year's 39%."


Meanwhile, the condition of winter wheat, only 37% of the crop rated good to excellent, 34% poor to very poor.  The state with the worst numbers, Oklahoma with 62% very poor to poor.  Things are very different when you look at spring wheat.


"Pretty good at this point, currently 77% good to excellent and 5% very poor to poor."


And Rippey says quite a bit of that wheat is heading out, with 34% of the crop, nationally, which is a big increase from last week's 9%, and ahead of the average, which is about 27% for this time of year.



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