In the coming weeks, cattle producers across the Evergreen state will be discussing their involvement in the Washington State Department of Agriculture's Livestock Inspection Program.  Sarah Ryan, Executive Vice President for the Washington Cattlemen’s Association said they were informed at their convention in early November that the WSDA is currently $1 million short for the program in the current biennium.


“We’re taking a hard look at what does that mean. ‘Where do we go from here?’ kind of a conversation.  So I think it will be really critical to have producers involved with that conversation.  What of the brand do they need to have?  What do they like having? And that kind of thing."


Ryan told the Washington Ag Network she will have an opportunity to discuss more in depth what this means for producers once they have details form the WSDA.  She said she plans to share what she learns as she travels the state to different annual meetings in the coming months.


Those who have questions are encouraged to contact the Cattlemen’s Association by calling (509) 925-9871.  Click Here To learn more about the WSDA Livestock Inspection Program



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