USDA Animal and Plant Health inspection service officials are among those at a Southern California backyard exhibition, investigating a new case of Virtulant Newcastle Disease.

"We're investigating as we go along, it's very early in the investigation. We're trying to identify any other birds that may have been in contact with these birds, and try to limit the spread of this disease to the best of our ability."

APHIS Associate Deputy Administrator Burke Healey says VND does not pose either a human health risk or a food safety concern.  However, the virus can spread rapidly among poultry and birds, and in unvaccinated birds it's 100% fatal.  He emphasized the importance of poultry owners, no matter the size of their flocks or operations, to take proper biosecurity measures.

"The primary steps as far as foul security is keeping it clean and don't bring it home."

This is the first reported case of what is also known as Exotic Newcastle Disease in the U.S. since an outbreak occurred in California in 2003.



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