U.S. Meat Export Federation

Halstrom Pleased To See Port Agreement
Halstrom Pleased To See Port Agreement
Halstrom Pleased To See Port Agreement
U.S. longshoremen have reached a contract agreement with ports and shippers, averting a potential strike.  The two sides had been facing a January 15th deadline.  U.S. Meat Export Federation President and CEO Dan Halstrom is pleased.   “With the ...
Port Labor Dispute Affecting Red Meat Exports
Port Labor Dispute Affecting Red Meat Exports
Port Labor Dispute Affecting Red Meat Exports
U.S. agriculture is bracing for a potential work stoppage at East and Gulf Coast ports that could greatly disrupt American red meat exports.  Contract negotiations between the International Longshoremen’s Association and the U.S. Maritime All...
October Red Meat Export Pace Above 2023 Levels
October Red Meat Export Pace Above 2023 Levels
October Red Meat Export Pace Above 2023 Levels
The latest U.S. red meat export numbers are out.  U.S. Meat Export Federation President and CEO Dan Halstrom, said October beef exports totaled 105,269 metric tons, up 1% year-over-year, while the value jumped 3% to $860.4 million.   “...
Hanson Voted New USMEF Chair
Hanson Voted New USMEF Chair
Hanson Voted New USMEF Chair
Steve Hanson, a rancher from Elsie, NE, was elected chair of the U.S. Meat Export Federation at the organization's Strategic Planning Conference in Tucson, AZ on Friday.  Hanson said a priority for him will be the partnerships with the various checkoffs that support the work of USMEF around the globe.   “...
USMEF To Honor Jagels, Giordano In Tucson
USMEF To Honor Jagels, Giordano In Tucson
USMEF To Honor Jagels, Giordano In Tucson
The U.S. Meat Export Federation will recognize two industry veterans at their November 7th Strategic Planning Conference in Arizona.  Mark Jagels, a farmer and livestock producer from Davenport, NE, will receive the USMEF Distinguished Service Award.  Jagles ...
Borror: Port Shutdown Will Hurt Meat, Livestock Industries
Borror: Port Shutdown Will Hurt Meat, Livestock Industries
Borror: Port Shutdown Will Hurt Meat, Livestock Industries
The strike by dock workers across the East and Gulf Coast will impose a significant economic impact on the U.S. meat and livestock industries, according to U.S. Meat Export Federation Vice President for Economic Analysis Erin Borror.  She noted the East Coast and Gulf ports have accounted directly for nearly $3 billion worth of U.S. red me...
Beef Export Value Climbs in June
Beef Export Value Climbs in June
Beef Export Value Climbs in June
While export volume was down slightly in June, the U.S. Meat Export Federation said U.S. beef reached the highest value in nearly two years.  Dan Halstrom, USMEF President and CEO said exports totaled $938 million in June, which was up 3% from a pretty big number from a year ago.   “...
Bass: Trade Picture Looks Good For Beef
Bass: Trade Picture Looks Good For Beef
Bass: Trade Picture Looks Good For Beef
The name of the game for most U.S. commodities is international trade, finding new markets and expanding existing ones.  And the U.S. beef sector is no different.  The University of Idaho’s Dr. Phil Bass said the beef industry is starting to get some help when it comes to trade agreements, adding that the U.S. Meat Export Federation...
USMEF: 2022 A Good Year For Beef Exports
USMEF: 2022 A Good Year For Beef Exports
USMEF: 2022 A Good Year For Beef Exports
After recording huge numbers in 2021, beef export figures came back to earth in November 2022.  But the news is far from bad, according to U.S. Meat Export Federation President and CEO Dan Halstrom.  He noted while beef exports were down year-over-year in November, several markets set new yearly value records in just 11 months.   “Korea, Ch...
Halstrom: Beef Production Drop Offers New Opportunities
Halstrom: Beef Production Drop Offers New Opportunities
Halstrom: Beef Production Drop Offers New Opportunities
U.S. beef production is expected to decrease in 2023, which will impact export volumes.  Despite that, Dan Halstrom U.S. Meat Export Federation President and CEO, said he sees new possibilities for the industry.   “This is an opportunity in 2023, knowing that we will be down on beef production in total, to diversify our portfolio on a product side and provide more options to our customers around t

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