
Americans Are Tired Of Being Scared
Americans Are Tired Of Being Scared
Americans Are Tired Of Being Scared
The intersection of where farming and politics intersect may have been best displayed in the most recent presidential election.  Bruce Vincent is a farmer, logger, rancher and advocate from Libby, MT.  He said starting in 2008, the national economy has struggled, and while it hurt main street America hard, he adds it was the rural areas that suffered the most, not just now, but over the past coupl
Coffee Supplies May Drop on Low Farm Earnings
Coffee Supplies May Drop on Low Farm Earnings
Coffee Supplies May Drop on Low Farm Earnings
International coffee growers are warning less coffee supplies may be in the future as coffee farmers are earning very little globally.   The International Coffee Organization this week said farmers’ low earnings in many countries were depressing supply even as demand grows around 2% annually, according to Reuters.   Raboba...
Is it Worth It To Farm In Washington?
Is it Worth It To Farm In Washington?
Is it Worth It To Farm In Washington?
Is it worth it to be a farmer in Washington?  That’s a question many in the ag community ask themselves with regularity, whether it’s daily, weekly or once a year.  It’s also the focus on a recent blog published by Madi Clark of the Washington Policy Center.  Clark told the Washington...

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