USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey, said the winter wheat crop nationwide is a mixed bag.  While 57% of the harvest is complete, that's well short of this time last year, when 72% of the winter wheat crop was cut.



“We see significant delays as we move in to the Northern harvest season. In Nebraska for example just 14% harvested by July 14th . Typically 52% harvested on that date last year 57%.”

Rippey added that winter wheat harvest has not started in  Montana, South Dakota and many portions of the Northwest.


When looking at spring wheat.


“Trailing off ever so slightly but still looking pretty good at 76% good to excellent; down two points from a week ago,” Rippey noted.  “4% very poor to poor, that's up a point. Still not too far off last year's numbers when we're looking in mid-July at 80% rated good to excellent and 4% very poor to poor.”


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