Renewable Fuels Association Blasts California’s Vehicle Plan
The ethanol industry is slamming California’s decision to ban the internal combustion engine in 2035. “Disappointed and mystified” is the way the Renewable Fuels Association reacted to California’s plan.
“If that is, in fact, what happens, yeah, it’s going to have some far-reaching impacts on the fuel market, and, by extension, it’s going to have an impact on the corn market." noted the RFA’s Geoff Cooper. "California is the single-largest consumer of gasoline, when you look at all 50-states, and the single-largest consumer of ethanol.”
At about 10%-12% of national consumption by some 29 million light-duty vehicles. Cooper argues the strain on an already-overburdened California electric grid could be too much.
“California gets a decent share of its electricity from hydropower, but when lakes are drying up and those turbines aren’t turning, they have to replace that with imported electricity from other states, and that’s typically places like New Mexico, Utah or Wyoming.”
Cooper feels California regulators made a mistake assuming the state’s motorists will willingly agree to buy EVs.
“We all know that electric vehicles are the most expensive vehicles available today, and so, this mandate to require California drivers to purchase electric vehicles, could have some significant implications on vehicle pricing, and just the availability of vehicles that consumers want.”
Cooper argues the quickest and lowest cost way to reduce gasoline emissions is to move immediately to 15% ethanol blends nationwide, and then to higher blends like E25, E30 and E85.
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