Registration is now open for the Washington Viticulture Field Day scheduled for Friday August 10th.  Michelle Moyer with WSU’s Viticulture and Enology program says the half day event will focus completely on water in the Vineyard.  She says they will look at how irrigation systems work in the big picture.


“Especially as it relates to water management for the plant, and then pest management, a lot of people don’t make that connection, we do a lot of pest management in Washington through chemigation, but if your irrigation equipment isn’t calibrated properly, it doesn’t work.  Your chemigation products aren’t as effective as they could be.”


The event is also co-hosted by the Washington state Grape Society.


Moyer said these Viticulture Field Days have become very popular, and are only open to the first 80 people who RSVP.  Click Here to RSVP.


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