According to NASS, the value of all potatoes sold last year in Washington, Oregon and Idaho, totaled $1.92 billion.



Washington's 2021 potato crop sod was valued at $666 million, down 5% from 2020.  The marketing year average price for fall potatoes was $7.75 per cwt, up $0.19 from the previous year.


The final value of Idaho's 2021 potato crop sold was $1.04 billion, up 14% year-over-year.  The marketing year average price for potatoes in Idaho was $8.46 per cwt, up $1.18 from last year.


Meanwhile, in Oregon, the 2021 potato crop sold was valued at $218 million, up 10% from last year.  The potato price was $9.02 per cwt, up $1.02 from last year.


The combined production for the 3 states was 61% of U.S. potato production in 2021.  When it comes to production numbers: 


  • Idaho totaled 132 million cwt in 2021, down 2% year-over-year
  • Oregon topped out at 26.3 million cwt., a drop of 3% from 2020.
  • And Washington’s 2021 crop hit 91.9 million cwt., down 8% from 2020.  



Processors in Idaho and Malheur County, Oregon used a total of 83,070 thousand cwt in 2021, down 8% from 2020.  Washington and Oregon, excluding Malheur County, processors used 94,882 thousand cwt during 2021, up 6% from the previous year.


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