Investigators in Oregon are asking for your help trying to find the person or persons responsible for the shooting and killing of a wolf in the Pine Creek Wildlife Management Unit in Baker County.  On Friday, August 5th, Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife troopers received information from the state Department of Fish and Wildlife that a collared wolf, OR112, may be dead at a location just off of Forest Service RD 66, between Twin Lakes and Fish Lake, roughly seven miles north of Halfway.  Personnel responded to the area and located a deceased wolf over the embankment of 66 RD.


Investigators said the wolf, known as OR112, was a two year old gray-collared female that was part of the Keating Pack, and had been shot by a firearm.  Troopers believe the wolf was shot and killed on the morning of August 4th.


The Oregon Wildlife Coalition and conservation partners are offering to pay an $11,500 reward that leads OSP F&W Troopers to an arrest and/or citation stemming from this incident.  Anyone with information regarding this case is urged to contact OSP through the Turn in Poachers [TIP] hotline at (800) 452-7888 or *OSP (*677), or email Reference case number SP22201971.


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