With the 2023 Oregon legislative session underway in Salem, ag groups across the state will watch a host of issues in the weeks ahead.  Matt McElligott, President-elect of the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association says one of the issues they will watch very closely, and with some concern, is the roll out of Ag overtime.


“Couple of other things that our committees are looking at is ESA issues, Endangered Species issues, such as the wolf, where half of our state is really with the animal is not endangered and the other half is.  Some other big issues are water; water is always going to be a big issue particularly as we rolled into 2023, our water year started in October and we're a little bit behind and the forecast is that it will be another dry year.”


OCA President Todd Nash said while they will watch several pieces of legislation and committee work very closely, one of the most important things the Cattlemen can do is build relationships with the new Administration.


“This last election cycle of the 90 representatives and senators that are down there, I think there's 21 that are brand new.  And the year previous there was over 20 that due to COVID really haven't engaged or been in the Capitol Building, and so of those 90 almost half of them are brand new.  So establishing a relationship, establishing a day that isn't just necessarily partisan, that we just start doing what's best for Oregon, rather than what's best for the political climate, I think is really important. It gives us a great opportunity to do that and we look forward to building those relationships.” 



If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-9791, or e-mail glenn.vaagen@townsquaremedia.com 

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