
Protecting Your Cattle From Pasture Parasites
Protecting Your Cattle From Pasture Parasites
Protecting Your Cattle From Pasture Parasites
Parasites will be close by when cattle are out on pasture.  Good pasture management and a strategic deworming protocol can limit the chances of parasites affecting the efficiency and performance of your beef herd.  Dr. D.L Step, a professional services veterinarian with Boehringer-Ingelheim, said there are protocols that will help control parasite problems during grazing season.   “...
Risch, Barrasso Introduce RANCH Act
Risch, Barrasso Introduce RANCH Act
Risch, Barrasso Introduce RANCH Act
Last week, Idaho senator Jim Risch and Wyoming senator John Barrasso introduced the Resiliency for Ranching and Natural Conservation Health (RANCH) Act.  They say the legislation promotes resilient and healthy rangelands and effective grazing management across the West.  The RANCH Ac...
UI To Host "Waste To Worth" Conference
UI To Host "Waste To Worth" Conference
UI To Host "Waste To Worth" Conference
The University of Idaho and the Idaho Sustainable Agriculture Initiative for Dairy will host a national conference in the coming months focused on finding creative and valuable ways to make use of animal waste.   The Waste to Worth Conference will take place at the Grove Hotel in Boise, April 7th-11th.  Or...
Cattle on Feed Down 1%
Cattle on Feed Down 1%
Cattle on Feed Down 1%
Cattle and calves on feed for the slaughter market in the U.S. for feedlots with a capacity of 1,000 or more head totaled 11.8 million head on January 1st.  The inventory was 1% below January 1st, 2024.  The inventory includes 7.25 million steers and steer calves, up 1% year-over-year.  This gr...
Expert: Nutrition Is Key For Value-Added Calf Programs
Expert: Nutrition Is Key For Value-Added Calf Programs
Expert: Nutrition Is Key For Value-Added Calf Programs
When it comes to the evolving feeder calf market, one industry expert says nutrition is just as important in the minds of buyers as genetics and health protocols.  Ted Perry, cattle nutritionist with Purina Animal Nutrition, said value-added programs highlighting nutrition, specifically mineral nutrition, benefit the calves both in the short- and the long-term.  He adde...
WDFW, Producers Using Virtual Fencing To Improve Grazing
WDFW, Producers Using Virtual Fencing To Improve Grazing
WDFW, Producers Using Virtual Fencing To Improve Grazing
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and permittees have partnered to use virtual fencing technology to improve grazing management across the central portion of the state.  Fish and Wildlife’s Chad Edison said they use base stations, similar to GPS towers, as well as radio collars on all the grazing cows.   “You t...
Health Officials Continue To Watch Bird Flu
Health Officials Continue To Watch Bird Flu
Health Officials Continue To Watch Bird Flu
With cases of bird flu in cattle reported across the western U.S., as well as cases in pigs and humans here in the Northwest, health officials are watching the H5N1 strain very closely.  But, why is this strain so devastating for domestic birds?   ...

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