The Inland Northwest has enjoyed some mild weather over the past couple of days, but that’s not going to last much longer.  Meteorologist Marilyn Lohmann told the Washington Ag Network the unseasonably mild conditions can be attributed to a recent atmospheric shift.


“Where we had that ridge and it’s allowed us enough time in between the fog times to actually get some really warm temperatures and those nicer conditions.”


But enjoy the warm weather while you can.  Lohmann expects things to change fairly quickly, with several systems set to move across the region in the coming seven days.  Those systems will bring in cooler weather, but the snow level should remain around 2,000’ to 3,000’.


“And along with those wet conditions and cooler temperatures, we’ll probably have some gusty winds at times.  And they may produce some stress on the newborn livestock.  So, producers should be prepared to monitor conditions for that.”






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