Make Sure Your Home, Farm Are Ready For Winter Weather
With winter weather here across much of the Pacific Northwest, now is a good time to prevent storm damage by trimming branches hanging over your roof, fence, driveway, barn or sheds. Jason Horton, with the Oregon Division of Financial Regulation, said it’s also time to make sure you have appropriate insurance coverage.
“If your home sustains severe structural damage, some insurance policies have additional living expenses covered. You want to make sure that you have that, or check with your agent whether that’s available for you. Because, if your house is uninhabitable, you’re going to have to live somewhere else.”
He added it’s good to ask if you policy covers food spoilage if you sustain a long-term power outage. He said now is a good time to review your auto policy.
“Your car could be parked in the driveway and you have a storm, and your house is damaged and your car gets damaged, your homeowners insurance is not going to cover your vehicle.”
Only a comprehensive plan will cover that, Horton added. In the event your property suffers damage this winter, Horton says you should determine if the amount of the loss is worth the effect of filing a claim; it might be better to handle repairs yourself.
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