The 2018 Hay crop appears to be at least an average one for Northwest growers.  Many growers are in the middle of their 3rd alfalfa cut, and/or 2nd Timothy cut of the season.  Andrew Eddie Vice President of the Washington state Hay Growers Association said the extremely hot weather the region has experienced over the past couple of weeks as been a double edged sword.


“It’s been good for dry down but kind of not, because it eventually gets hot enough where things don’t want to dry out, they just kind of stay wet, and eventually you just have to cut it and deal with the repercussions.”


Eddie said spontaneous combustion is not much of a concern with temperatures this hot.  He said as long as growers take the proper steps and follow protocol, spontaneous combustion should not be an issue.  As far as the 2018 crop is concerned.


“Tonnage is about normal, about par for the course," Eddie said.  "I think the little cooler spring and the delay of this hotter weather has kind of helped growers get at least a little more even crop.”




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