
Eddie: 2022 A Challenging Year For Many Hay Growers
Eddie: 2022 A Challenging Year For Many Hay Growers
Eddie: 2022 A Challenging Year For Many Hay Growers
While it wasn’t the worst on record, this was not the best year for Washington hay growers either.  Andrew Eddie, Vice President with the Washington State Hay Growers Association, said many growers were down on tonnage because the first cut was pushed back thanks to the cold, wet spring.  He added that...
WSDA Investigating Sick Horses
WSDA Investigating Sick Horses
WSDA Investigating Sick Horses
The Washington state Department of Agriculture is investigating what caused several horses to recently become sick.  The Department confirmed on Facebook they are investigating reports of suspected hoary alyssum in hay, possibly causing several horses to become ill.  Ac...
Eddie: 2022 A Challenging Year For The Bottom-line
Eddie: 2022 A Challenging Year For The Bottom-line
Eddie: 2022 A Challenging Year For The Bottom-line
Just ask Andrew Eddie, and he’ll tell you that 2022 is a challenging year for hay growers across Washington.  But, he noted it’s not challenging for the typical variables, such as weather and market prices, but rather for input costs.  The Vice Presi...
NASS: Potato Acres Down While Hay Acres Increase
NASS: Potato Acres Down While Hay Acres Increase
NASS: Potato Acres Down While Hay Acres Increase
According to NASS, Hay acres across the Northwest increased 6% year-over-year, while, potato acres dropped 4% from 2021. Idaho potato acres are estimated at 290,000, down 8% from the previous year.  Harvested area, at 289,500 acres, is also down 8% from the previous year.  In...
NW 2020 Wheat Plantings & Hay Harvest Up
NW 2020 Wheat Plantings & Hay Harvest Up
NW 2020 Wheat Plantings & Hay Harvest Up
Northwest growers plated more wheat in 2020. All wheat planted in Idaho totaled 1.24 million acres last year, up 4% from 2019. Harvested acres hit 1.16 million, up 3% from the previous year. All wheat production totaled 113 million bushels, up 14% year over year ...
Despite Challenges, 2020 Hay Crop Looks Good
Despite Challenges, 2020 Hay Crop Looks Good
Despite Challenges, 2020 Hay Crop Looks Good
This year was a difficult year for the entire ag community, thanks primarily due to COVID-19. But for Washington hay growers, Mother Nature also made the past year challenging. Andrew Eddie, Vice President of the Washington state Hay Growers Association said mid-spring rains negatively impacted many first cuts across the area, and wildfire smoke presented challenges late in the season ... Read M
NAFA To Host CFAP Webinar Thursday
NAFA To Host CFAP Webinar Thursday
NAFA To Host CFAP Webinar Thursday
The National Alfalfa and Forage Alliance will host a webinar Thursday, October 15th telling growers how they can get assistance through CFAP . Associate Director at National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance Jon Dockter said originally the crop was not eligible for the program, even when a second round of crops were included in August. ...
Despite Challenging Start Things Looking Up For Northwest Hay Growers
Despite Challenging Start Things Looking Up For Northwest Hay Growers
Despite Challenging Start Things Looking Up For Northwest Hay Growers
After a slow start in many pockets across the Northwest, the 2020 hay season has picked up considerable steam. Andrew Eddie, Vice President of the Washington state Hay Growers Association, said cooler temperatures and rainy conditions this spring made for a challenging first cut for several operations, whether grass, Timothy or alfalfa ...

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