When it comes to the condition of the nation's range and pasture lands, there are not that many trouble spots.  USDA Meteorologist Eric Luebehusen, said there are some places with pastures rated poor to very poor.



"Texas 42% poor to very poor.  They actually saw a slight improvement over the last week. We're looking at 21% poor to very poor across Oklahoma and 29% poor to very poor across Kansas.  Also 20% poor to very poor in Arkansas and Louisiana."



Overall, 20% of the nation's range and pasture lands are rated poor to very poor, but not all of the news is bad.



"For the most part, I suspect that we will see these numbers decrease as conditions improve due to the rain that is essentially falling or will be falling shortly."



Some areas, in fact, are expected to get a lot of rain in the coming days.



If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekradio.com

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