Even though the February deadline has passed, NASS is still collecting responses to the 2017 Census of Agriculture.  More than 50% of the surveys have been returned to USDA's NASS.


“Certainly that’s no small feat as that number continues to grow each day as more farmers and ranchers mail in their census form.”


NASS’s Eugene Young said while they’d love to wait as long as it takes to get everyone’s survey results in, he says they soon need to start the next phase of this process; complying the data.


“We’ve already set a projected time of getting that data released in early 2019.  You may be aware the census we originally mailed out in December 2017, out initial return date was February 5th.  We made some subsequent mailings at that point, we’ll probably to give ourselves enough time to get the data summarized analyzed and prepared for publication.”


Young stressed the Census of Agriculture not only benefits the USDA, but growers and producers on a statewide, and even local level, ensure federal dollars are provided for the correct parts and correct commodities nationwide.  To participate, visit the USDA's Website.



If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekradio.com

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