Thanks to the USDA Census of Agriculture, and analysis from an OSU professor, we now know that Oregon's farm real estate values are increasing at a great pace.
Farmers and ranchers still have time to be counted in the 2022 Census of Agriculture. Although the deadline for submitting the ag census just passed, NASS will continue to accept completed census questionnaires through the spring to ensure all farmers and ranchers take advantage of the opportunity to be represented in the widely used data.
The deadline for filling out and returning the 2022 Census of Agriculture is finally here.
“The last day to respond is Monday, February 6, and we appreciate all the farmers and ranchers who have responded so far, and we definitely would appreciate it if everyone responded by the due date," said NASS' Tony Dorn. "Now res...
The American Farm Bureau Federation is reminding all producers that the Census of Agriculture provides the only source of uniform, comprehensive, and impartial agriculture data for every state and county in the nation. AFBF Vice President of Public Policy, Sam Kieffer said the data from the survey is used to shape local and federal decisions.
Only a few weeks remain for produces, growers, ranchers, farmers of all walks, to participate in the Census of Ag. Dennis Koong, NASS Northwest Regional Director, said the USDA needs accurate data, so it’s vital that producers participate.
The USDA mailed survey codes to all known U.S. ag producers with the invitation to respond online to the 2022 Census of Agriculture. The ag census is the nation’s only comprehensive and impartial agriculture data for every state, county, and territory. By completing...
For the first time, the USDA will collect data on farmers growing hemp and using precision technology in the 2022 Census of Agriculture. The agency began regulating hemp production in 2021, and this will be the first census to publish data on those producers, who grow the crop for fabric, food products, and CBD.
A new USDA survey says cover crops are more popular than first thought. Growers who responded to the survey say they’re using cover crops on 40% of their cropland in 2022. Successful Farming says that hints at a sizable increase from the 15.4 million acres of cover ...
USDA collects some basic agroforestry data in its Census of Agriculture, but the agency announced a new National Agroforestry Survey. The goal is to gather information on five forestry practices. For the first time ever, farmers, ranchers, and ag producers of all kinds will have the opportunity to share the dynamic ways they manage valuable agroforestry resources in detail
NASS wants you to know there is still time to respond to the National Agricultural Classification Survey. Mailed in December to more than a million potential producers, the survey collects data on agricultural activity and basic farm information