A Missouri omnibus agriculture bill containing provisions against so-called fake meat has passed the state legislature.  The language prohibits misrepresenting a product as meat that was not derived from harvested livestock.  The Missouri House passed the bill 125-22 following previous passage in the Missouri Senate.  Missouri became the first state to address the issue with legislation, sending a signal to other states to follow suit.


Missouri Cattlemen's Association Executive Vice President Mike Deering expects other state cattle organizations to lead legislation in their respective state.  Deering said the legislation ensures “the integrity of our meat supply and reduces consumer confusion.”


The passage of the legislation follows a vote by the U.S. House Appropriations Committee supporting regulatory oversight of lab-grown meat substitutes by the USDA.  Missouri Cattlemen’s, along with the National Cattlemen's Beef Association believe USDA is “best-placed to ensure food safety and accurate labeling of these products.”



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