Meat Sector Releases First-Ever Data Report on Environment
The North American Meat Institute released a report Tuesday that sets transparent baselines that will allow the industry to measure progress and verify contributions to global climate goals. With all of the Meat Institute’s large U.S. members, those with more than 2,000 employees, submitting data, the report covers an estimated 90% of meat sold in the United States by volume.
“98% of American households purchase meat, putting our sector undoubtedly at the center of solutions for healthy diets, healthy communities, and a healthy planet for generations to come," said NAMI President and CEO Julie Anna Potts.
Supporting the organization’s commitment to measure and fill the “protein gap” for needy families by 2025, 78% of reporting companies donate money or products to food banks and charities. Meanwhile, 82% of reporting facilities are covered by a company commitment to minimize packaging waste, and 71% are covered by a company commitment to reduce food waste.
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