Many USDA Projects Have Common Goals
It's not uncommon to see USDA research projects that on the surface look very different, but have common goals when it comes to improved sustainability, productivity, resiliency via technology, and bringing connected findings together in data collections. One of those according to researcher, Amanda Ashworth, is cattle selection and preference for one grazing area over another.
"And to see if this is somehow linked to soil nutrients and soil moisture variabilites spatially and temporally."
Soil maps and GPS units on cattle detect grazing patterns and soil nutrients on pastures.
"So we're really seeing a linkage between soils, plants, and animals across this continuum and across these landscapes."
And those soil maps are also part of research to develop novel soil property maps and apps for tribal lands.
"These novel spoil mapping approaches can help improve management recommendations as well as land use and conservation."
Especially regarding management decisions by tribal Ag producers and land owners.
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