Klamath Basin Irrigators See Power Cost Decrease To Start New Year
Starting on January 1st, irrigators in Oregon’s Klamath and Lost River Basins saw a 3.5% reduction in power costs. The Klamath Water Users Association, said this is welcomed news, since the Oregon Public Utility Commission approved a 10% increase in base rates for irrigators in February.
“We are very pleased with this outcome,” said KWUA Power Committee Chairman Ben DuVal. “It’s beneficial for irrigators and districts throughout the Klamath Project, and for our neighbors outside the Project in as well.”
Pacific Power’s last general rate case prior to this year was in 2013, where it obtained approval for a rate structure that has remained in effect since that time. About 50% of Pacific Power’s retail irrigation customers in Oregon are in the Klamath Basin, and only some of those are represented by KWUA’s membership.
Under the OPUC ruling, there was an increase in base rates and adjustment schedules of less than 0.5%, rather than the 10% proposed last year, and due to an annual adjustment factor, the net cost of power for irrigation actually decreased on January 1st.
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