This has been a challenging week for ranchers in Northeast Oregon.  Oregon Cattlemen Association’s Jerome Rosa said it started with a wolf depredation on Thursday.  And then on Monday,  “We had three confirmed wolf depredations in Wallowa County in the Joseph Creek area.  We have requested that ODFW go to lethal take on these wolves.”


Rosa said they continue to be concerned about the growing wolf population and what the Department of Fish and Wildlife is going to do to help ranchers.  He said it’s incredibly frustrating because the Oregon Wolf Plan, which should have been in place three years ago, remains missing.  Rosa added they will meet with Governor Kate Brown’s people and other key leaders in the coming weeks to discuss wolves.


“We’ll be meeting with the leadership from Oregon Wild, our two organizations will be meeting with the Governor’s Natural Resources adviser and the Governor’s Chief of Staff to see if we can iron out some of the difference that we have that’s been holding up the Oregon wolf plan from being approved.”


Rosa says grazing on public lands is like a parking lot.  While the land is open to everyone, ranchers that use it should expect protection and safety within reason.



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